About ISSS

The ISSS conference is one of the largest events of its kind in the entire EU and it is held regularly at the Aldis Congress Center in Hradec Kralove every spring. The 27th year of the conference takes place on 12th and 13th May 2025.

The main topics of the ISSS conference usually include presentations and discussions reflecting the current state of eGovernment not only in the Czech Republic, issues of electronic identity and effective communication of citizens with public administration or problems in the field of cyber security. Participants are also interested in topics covering the implementation of the latest technologies and trends, further development of the necessary infrastructure, continuation of projects within smart cities and regions, digitization of specific areas of public administration such as health, justice, related issues and much more. As part of the program, the results of the popular Golden Crest and Czech At competitions are also held annually.

Among the active participants, a number of members of the government, dozens of senators and deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, heads of state organizations, governors, mayors and other representatives of state administration and local governments regularly appear. Rare guests from abroad also regularly take part.

Among the personalities who officially give auspices to the ISSS conference in recent years have never been missing the current President of the Senate Miloš Vystrčil, the current Vice-President of the European Commission Věra Jourová, the Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Petr Fiala, a number of ministers and the Association of Regions of the Czech Republic or the Governor of the Vysočina Region Vítězslav Schrek.

Conference ISSS thematic sections in 2025 are:

  • Status and future of eGovernment in the Czech Republic
  • New technologies in public administration
    • Artificial intelligence
    • Data-driven eGovernment
    • Interoperability
    • Financing the implementation of new technologies
      and other topics
  • Cyber ​​security (not only) of public administration
    • European and national legislation
    • Technical solutions
    • Crisis management
    • Recovery management
      and other topics
  • Economics and eGovernment financing of public administration projects
  • Cloud and data centres in public administration
  • Digital identity
  • File services and digital archives
  • Open data and how to use it effectively and practically
  • Open public administration solutions
  • Smart city and Smart region
  • Portal solutions for the public and public administration
  • Digitization of construction management and spatial planning
  • Geoinformatics and spatial information
  • Digitization of healthcare
  • Internal digitization of offices
  • Digitization in the field of tourism and promotion of destinations

Ve spolupráci

Hradec Králové Kraj Vysočina Královéhradecký kraj Triada, spol. s r. o.