V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society
V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society V4DIS--Visegrad Group for Developing Information Society April 1--3, 2007, Prague & Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic

Conference Agenda

Saturday 31th March 2007

Individual arrival to Prague

Sunday 1st April 2007


Rendez-vous in front of the TopHotel, departure to the Town hall

Rendez-vous near the Prague Town Hall

Sightseeing tour around the Prague City center

Lunch with the Prague officials

Departure from Prague to Hradec Kralove by bus provided by the organizers

Hradec Kralove

Estimated time of arrival to Hradec Kralove


Hotel Nove Adalbertinum, Conference Hall

eGovernment Expert Forum

presentations on development of Central European countries in the field of eGov


Jiri Polak, SPIS

Strategic aims of Czech government in the field of eGovernment

Ivan Langer, minister of interior and informatics, Czech Republic

Possible scenarios of eGovernment realization in Czech Republic

commentary to SPIS materials

Jiri Peterka, independent journalist

Digital Austria

project continuation in 2006 (statistics, changes made in previous 12 months), new features planned for 2007/2008

Christian Rupp, Digital Austria spokesperson

Klicpera Theater

Ceremonial evening in the Hradec Kralove theatre

Monday 2nd April 2007

Main Hall

MP3 Audio Record--sobotka_isss.mp3 (1.3 MB) MP3 Audio Record--topolanek_isss.mp3 (2.9 MB) MP3 Audio Record--tosenovsky_isss.mp3 (2.3 MB) MP3 Audio Record--langer_isss.mp3 (2.5 MB) MP3 Audio Record--pospisil_isss.mp3 (2.7 MB) MP3 Audio Record--cunek_isss.mp3 (2.1 MB) MP3 Audio Record--paroubek_isss.mp3 (2.4 MB) MP3 Audio Record--bradik_isss.mp3 (0.9 MB) MP3 Audio Record--vystrcil_isss.mp3 (1.1 MB) MP3 Audio Record--divisek_isss.mp3 (255 KB) MP3 Audio Record--vlasak_isss.mp3 (486 KB) MP3 Audio Record--timmers_isss.mp3 (1.3 MB) MP3 Audio Record--al-rawi_isss.mp3 (1.2 MB) MP3 Audio Record--forrai_isss.mp3 (492 KB) MP3 Audio Record--rencin_isss.mp3 (1.1 MB)

Conference opening

Premysl Sobotka, president of Senate
Mirek Topolanek, prime minister
Ivan Langer, minister of interior and informatics
Jiri Pospisil, minister of justice
Jiri Cunek, minister for regional development
Frantisek Dohnal, president of Supreme audit office
Jiri Paroubek, Member of Parliament
Evzen Tosenovsky, president of Moravskoslezsky region
Pavel Bradik, president of Kralovehradecky region
Milos Vystrcil, president of Vysocina region
Otakar Divisek, lord mayor of Hrade Kralove
Oldrich Vlasak, chairman of Union of towns and municipalities of the Czech republic
Paul Timmers, head of unit eInclusion DG INFSO
Omar Al-Rawi, Member of City Council Committees, Vienna
Kristof Forrai, executive director of International Visegrad fund
Tomas Rencin, Executive Director of ISSS/LORIS/V4DIS conference

Eliska Hall


MP3 Audio Record--forrai.mp3 (0.9 MB) MP3 Audio Record--sobotka.mp3 (270 KB) MP3 Audio Record--vystrcil.mp3 (504 KB)


Kristof Forrai, International Visegrad Fund, Bratislava, SK
Milos Vystrcil, Vysocina region, Jihlava, CZ, 15'

MP3 Audio Record (3 MB)

V4 portal

Jiri Sykora, International Visegrad Fund, Bratislava, SK, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (596 KB) MP3 Audio Record (2.5 MB)

European Quartet as a Part of Visegrad Four

Martin Kosatka, CzechTourism, Prague, CZ, 10'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (600 KB) MP3 Audio Record (6.6 MB)

TRANSFER-EAST--Project for G2B implementation in Public Administration

Peter Druga, BIC Bratislava/PD Consulting, Bratislava, SK, 20'

PowerPoint Presentation (82 KB) MP3 Audio Record (4.2 MB)

Action plan on eGovernment

Heikki Lunnas, ELANET, Helsinki, FI, 15'

Round table


Developement of cooperation

PowerPoint Presentation (158 KB)

Possibilities of ICT projects co-financing from the EU programs

Blanka Hasova, Ministry of informatics, Prague, CZ
Martin Hirsal, Ministry of informatics, Prague, CZ, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (702 KB)

Resources drawing from the EU funds

Jiri Kolecek, RERA, Ceske Budejovice, CZ
Miroslav Krticka, RERA, Ceske Budejovice, CZ, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (2.5 MB)

Research on information literacy of Slovakian state government officers

Darina Imreova, ACRC spol. s r. o., Bratislava, SK
Jan Tucek, StemMark a. s., Prague, CZ, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (0.7 MB)

Developing the V4 virtual region concept

Andrzej Janicki, Alfa-Omega Foundation, Warsaw, PL, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (210 KB)

Country Development Strategy on duty of Information Society on the post and pre-accession stage

Monika Walczak, Polish Ministry of foreign affairs, Warsaw, PL, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (3.2 MB)

Operation program Informatization of society in Slovakia between 2007--2013

Denisa Zilakova, Ministry of finance, Bratislava, SK, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (421 KB)

Comparation of eGovernment development in V4 countries

Peter Druga, PD Consulting, Bratislava, SK
Jaroslav Svoboda, Ministry of interior, Praha, CZ, 10'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (685 KB)

Key problems in eGovernment

Arpad Takacs, VUS, Banska Bystrica, SK, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (505 KB) PowerPoint Presentation (380 KB)

ICEGEC research

Renata Jaksa, Pal Gaspar, ICEGEC, Budapest, HU, 10'



Jiri Vackar, Ministry for regional development, CZ, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (2.5 MB)

WWW part of the regional tourism IS--concept in context of inspirative guide

Josef Zelenka, University of Hradec Kralove, CZ, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (1.4 MB)

Modern elektronic marketing tools of local governments

Ivona Franova, AICES, City of Nitra, SK, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (525 KB)

Multimedia kiosks with touristic information about Wa³brzych and Hradec Kralove

Waldemar Kujawa, City of Walbrzych, PL, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (1.4 MB)

Tourist portal of Eastern Bohemia

Vit Pechanec, World Media Partners, Prague, CZ, 10'

Bratislava Tourism Website

Martina Gajarska, City of Bratislava, SK, 10'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (3.5 MB)

Tourist portal of Vysocina region and its further development

Jitka Mattyasovska, Vysocina region, Jihlava, CZ, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (0.9 MB)

ePrague and promotion of tourism

Ivan Seycek, City of Prague, CZ, 10'

Round table



PowerPoint Presentation (1.9 MB)

i2010 and eInclusion

Paul Timmers, European Commission, Bruxelles, BE, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (0.9 MB)

Junior Internet--projects even for a public administration

Daniel Pecynski, Together Poland, Wroclav, PL
Peter Slosar, Amaweb, Bratislava, SK
Jiri Peterka, Together, CZ, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (2.8 MB)

Senior Internet--intergeneration barriers tremble and disappear

Monika Kavanova, OPS Internet pro vsedni den, Praha, CZ
Martin Soukup, OPS Internet pro vsedni den, Hradec Kralove, CZ, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (1.1 MB)

Access to public Internetu in libraries of towns and villages

Vit Richter, National library, Prague, CZ, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (48 KB)

Electronical signature and accessible forms--way to independence of sight impaired citizens

Branislav Mamojka, Peter Teplicky, UNS, Bratislava, SK, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (1.9 MB)

Problems in accessiblity of web pages in Slovakia

Vojtech Regec, UNS, Bratislava, SK, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (70 KB)

Even handicapped citizens have rights to use elektronic services of public administration--but what is needed?

Radek Pavlicek, TyfloCentrum, Prague, CZ, 10'

PowerPoint Presentation (2.8 MB)

Barrierfree web--service for all

Alexander Kamaryt, City of Nova Dubnica, SK, 10'

Visegrad Lounge

Communication infrastructure

PowerPoint Presentation (2.3 MB)

Wireless Prague

Jaroslav Solc, City of Prague, CZ, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (566 KB)

Internetization of Bodva river valley

Istvan Zacharias, City of Moldava nad Bodvou, SK, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (3.3 MB)

ROWANet and other projects of Vysocina region

Petr Pavlinec, City of Jihlava, CZ, 20'

Round table



PowerPoint Presentation (354 KB)


Jiri Hradec, CENIA, Prague, CZ, 20'

PowerPoint Presentation (3.1 MB)

GIS a map services of the City of Nitra

Tibor Nevicky, City of Nitra Townhall, SK, 20'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (2.7 MB)

Data sources and information systems of the City of Prague area

Jiri Ctyroky, City of Prague Townhall, CZ, 15'

Municipal GIS in Slovakia

Branislav Balint, CORA GEO, Poprad, SK, 10'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (1.7 MB)

Digitalization of cycling routes--map support in the Czech republic

Vaclava Seblova, Plzen region, CZ, 10'

Education of employees in introduction, maintenace and actualization of analytical basis for ground developement

Tomas Vasko, Liberec region, CZ, 10'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (4.2 MB)

Geografical information system Single transport vector map

Stepan Zezula, Transport research centre, CZ, 10'

Congress Centre Aldis

Ceremonial evening

delivering of miscellaneous awards including the Eurocrest award (for the best municipal web site in each competing country)

Tuesday 3rd April 2007

Eliska Hall

Best practices

PowerPoint Presentation (222 KB)

International project MATEO

Miroslav Krticka, RERA, Ceske Budejovice, CZ, 15'

Adobe Acrobat Presentation (5.5 MB)

Golden crest competition--Zlatyerb.sk

Miroslav Drobny,UMS, Nitra, SK
Lubos Magat, City of Dubnica nad Vahom, SK, 15'

Municipal websites and eTourism

Margit Benickova, Ministry for regional development, Prague, CZ, 15'

PowerPoint Presentation (124 KB) PowerPoint Presentation (1.3 MB)

Golden crest competition--Zlaty Erb

Jan Savicky, Webhouse, Jihlava, CZ, 10'

Presentations of the Golden crest competition winners


Round table--Golden crest


Hradec Kralove

Departure of the buses to Prague provided by the organizers

Departure of the buses to Prague provided by the organizers